
Former Brotherhood leader weighs in on presidency

The former spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe weighed in on his preferences for the Egyptian presidential nominations, offering his support for the Secretary-General of the Arab League Amr Moussa.

The Secretary of the National Democratic Party’s Policy Committee Gamal Mubarak is "politically immature and does not know what the people want," said Kamal el-Helbawi, former spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.

Egypt has many figures fit for the presidency; he said, adding, "I support the nomination of Amr Moussa to the presidency because he is currently lost in the chambers of the Arab League." He continued, "I am not for the nomination of Mohamed el-Baradei to the presidency. However, there are other people who should be nominated, such as Ibrahim Eissa, Abdel Halim Qandil or any other person who knows what the people want."

In response to a question concerning whether the Muslim Brotherhood will field a candidate in the presidential elections, el-Helbawi denied this will take place. "Things might change after ten years and the circumstances may permit a nomination. The group may be able to field a candidate after the dictatorship is over and when the West understands Egypt’s internal conditions," he added.

Regarding the Brotherhood’s current crisis within the Guidance Bureau, el-Helbawi stated, "We nominate the person who is most fit to lead, who has the necessary qualities for the position and who can follow in the footsteps of Hassan el-Banna [Brotherhood founder] and Omar el-Telmesani [former Supreme Guide]." The Brotherhood in Europe, he noted, presented their views to their counterparts in Egypt, but the group will choose the most competent individual for the post.

The ruling regime in Egypt harasses the Brotherhood and continuously arrests its members, el-Helbawi said. There is not a "hard-line" or "reform-minded" trend within the group, rather "everyone is reform-minded, but the way of thinking is different," he said.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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