FoodLife & Style

Dinner ideas: Easy grilled chicken

If you’re a fan of grilled chicken, then this is the perfect recipe for you. It's not just the easiest recipe for cooking chicken you’ll come across; it’s also very tasty and low fat. The only purchase you’ll need to make before you can use this recipe is a chicken stand – a metal base that supports the chicken. You will most likely find one in Zahran, Alfa Market or a kitchen appliance store.

1 fresh chicken (not frozen)


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180C.
  2. Remove any organs inside the chicken, then rinse it out.
  3. Put the chicken on the stand with the legs facing downward.
  4. Rub salt and oregano all over it. Don’t be stingy with the salt, because that’s what makes it nice and crisp on the outside.
  5. Put your chicken in the oven. It usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half maximum, depending on the size of the chicken.
  6. To make sure it is cooked through, use a sharp knife to pierce the breast. If the liquids run clear then it is done, but if the juice is red or pink leave the chicken in for another 15 minutes and check again.
  7. Take the chicken out of the oven, remove the stand, carve and serve.

The nice thing about this recipe is that there’s hardly any preparation involved. You can throw a few potatoes into the oven with the chicken and have baked potatoes on the side and a green leafy salad always compliments it.

Bon Appetit!

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